● 为外商投资企业提供关于会计方面的咨询服务,包括但不限于:
Provide FIEs with various accounting-related services including but not limited to:
○ 对于安哥拉所适用的企业会计准则的遵守
Ensure compliance with the applicable Angola. laws, regulations, codes and rules of accounting
○ 按照国家会计制度的规定,记帐、算帐、报帐
Make bookkeeping, accounting and reporting in accordance with applicable accounting regulations of P.R.C.
○ 妥善保管客户会计凭证、帐簿、报表等档案资料
Maintain and securely store the accounting vouchers, accounts and other documents of the clients
○ 协助客户完善内部资金管理, 正确解答客户相关财务管理咨询
Assist the customers to improve internal capital / fund management, provide proper consultancy related to financial management of the clients
○ 定期分析检查账务数据,发现问题及时准确解决
Regular analysis and checking of accounting data, identifying and settling problems in a timely and accurate manner
● 税务服务及咨询
Provide services and advisory relating to taxation
Prepare and submit tax returns in time on behalf of the clients such as Individual Income Tax, Business Tax, Value Added Tax, Corporate Income Tax, etc.
○ 负责对财务工作有关的外部及政府部门,如税务局、财政局、银行、会计事务所等联络、沟通工作
Be responsible for communication with various government authorities and other related companies, including the tax authority, public finance office, banks and CPA firms
● 其它特定项目的会计及税务工作服务
Participate in accounting and taxation services relating to ad-hoc projects for clients
● 公司交办的其他事项
Other tasks assigned by the Company
Tratar da correspondência;
Tratar de todos os assuntos contabilista e financeiros;
Garantir assistência permanente ao seu superior hierárquico em todas as actividades laborais sob orientação do seu superior hierárquico, tratar de assuntos da empresa junto de outras entidades;
Colaborar activamente na organização de eventos.
. 良好的口头和书面沟通能力
Excellent oral and written communication ability
. 较强的客户服务态度及技巧
Good customer service attitude and skills
. 熟悉安哥拉税法知识
Excellent in Angola tax law
. 准确、有效地为多个客户用英文独立编制会计凭证,记账及财务报表,
Independently prepare accounting vouchers, ledgers and financial statements in English in a timely, accurate & efficient manner for multiple clients (Wholly Owned Foreign Invested Enterprises / Representative Offices)
. 为客户提供可靠的会计,税务及相关报告
Provide reliable information relating to accounting & tax compliance and reporting package upon Clients’ request
. 良好的英文口语及写作能力
Good spoken and written English
. 能够适应经常有时间期限性质的工作,灵活
Be flexible enough to adapt to working under tight deadlines
. 诚实可靠、工作细致,注重团队合作精神,能够有效的解决问题
Reliable and accurate; with effective problem-solving skills and ability to work
as a good team player
. 熟悉操作AGT系统及办公软件
Experience in AGT Software, with good knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
教育背景 Educational Background
. 会计或税务专业,学士或学士以上学位
Bachelor/above degree, major in accounting or taxation
. 具有安哥拉会计师职业资格者
Possession of certification as ANGOLA professional accountant.
经验 Experience
. 至少2-3年全资外商投资企业工作经验(含1年总账报告经验)或会计外包相关经验者优先
More than 2-3 years full-time related working experiences ( include 1 years G/L reporting experience) in Wholly Owned Foreign Invested Enterprises or an accounting outsourcing team in an accounting/consulting firm or similar role experiences will be a plus
SHOPPING POPULAR com mais de 300 lojas, desde vestuário, mobiliário, tecnologia, electrodomésticos
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