Tipo contrato
Tempo determinado
Oferta aberta até
Monitoring & Evaluation Manager
Número de vagas
Descrição da função
Duration: Maximum three years, renewable every year on the basis of satisfactory performance.
Purpose of Post: To establish and operate the overall project Monitoring and Evaluation system.
Report to: Project Manager
The M&E Officer will generally ensure the effective monitoring of project processes, activities, outputs, outcomes/impacts through undertaking the following specific responsibilities, among others:
• Develop and manage the project MIS to ensure a proper flow of information to and from the operational level to the PIU, and especially the provision of timely and adequate information for decision-making by Project Management and the Executing Agency (MINAGRI);
• Work in close liaison with all PIU staff and M&E staff of MINAGRI, the M&E Unit of the Ministry Planning and the National Institute of Statistics, as well as other project stakeholder agencies.
• Organise and undertake the baseline survey, ensuring the gender disaggregated data of all relevant project indicators.
• Ensure that appropriate M&E procedures are prepared, established and implemented so as to provide sufficient basis for review of programming progress and for recommendation for any changes that may be found to be necessary;
• Review on a regular basis the status of Project implementation to identify corrective measures, bringing to the attention of Project management any problems/issues arising thereof which may hinder implementation of the Project;
• Lead the process of preparing Annual and Quarterly Work Programmes in liaison with the Financial Management Specialist and Project Accountants and with the support and inputs from other technical specialists, for the consolidation and preparation of the Work Plans and Budgets.
• The Specialist will also be responsible for the timely preparation of project quarterly and annual project implementation reports, which will contain evaluation of project progress in relation to the project objectives and outcomes, and planned outputs and activities. She/he will have similar responsibility in regard to Program Mid-Term Review and Project Completion Reports.
• Participate in the International Institution Client’s missions, including prior mission arrangements and providing all M&E information required by the missions in accordance with mission requirements, especially reports related to the project’s M&E.
• Harmonize the Project’s M&E with the PRS deliverables framework in general and MINAGRI M&E system in particular by putting in place and developing a MINAGRI-driven process.
• Prepare result-focused quarterly Monitoring Reports on all aspects of project implementation and progress, with special regard to cross cutting issues of gender, poverty, environment and climate change.
• Draft TORs for project results surveys, where necessary, and supervise the recruitment of the necessary service providers in liaison with the procurement specialist. Give relevant backstopping to project implementers;
• In collaboration with the Gender Specialist, ensure effective gender mainstreaming in project activities by identifying and accounting for gender issues in planning, monitoring and evaluation.
• Coordinate and consolidate periodical reports from various collaborating and/or facilitating agencies on the implementation of community activities as well as those of Implementation Partners and Service Providers.
• Assist in providing coordination between various programme components to ensure achievement of overall programme objectives.
• Carry out any other activities that are assigned by the National Project Coordinator.
(i) Baseline survey is completed and report submitted to the Bank. Baseline indicators are improved and validated in a gender disaggregated manner within the first 6 months of assumption of duty.
(ii) Project M&E system set-up in according with project appraisal report and fully operational until the end of the project. Stakeholders and stakeholder M&E obligations and responsibilities at MINAGRI, Ministry of Planning, state and municipal levels, as well as other implementing agencies, are clearly defined and included in the Project Implementation Manual, together with all relevant M&E tools.
(iii) Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) consultation with activity specialists, beneficiaries and stakeholders completed within the agreed time after assumption of duty and thereafter by 15 October every year. Responses to Bank’s recommendations for revising AWPB, within maximum of five (5) days of notice of the recommendations.
(iv) Quarterly implementation progress targets and milestones are clearly defined and distributed to staff by the beginning of each quarter (i.e. by 1st day of January, April, July and October).
(v) Result focused monthly progress reports dispatched to MINAGRI senior management within five (5) days of the end of the reporting month. Early warning of potential delays in respect of all planned activities and causes there-of clearly documented and included in the report.
(vi) Result focused quarterly, Progress Reports including the quarterly work plans, in Bank’s recommended format, dispatched to the bank and other stakeholders within a maximum of 20 days of the end of the reporting quarter or year. Early warning of potential delays in respect of all planned activities and causes there-of clearly documented included in the reports.
(vii) Result focused project reports in accordance with Bank’s format provided to Bank supervision missions within a maximum of two (2) days of arrival of the Bank mission in the country. Bank’s supervision recommendations relating to M&E are implemented in a timely manner.
(viii) Schedule of required Consultants’ and/or other agency services for M&E activities prepared and provided to procurement specialist for inclusion in the procurement plans on quarterly and annual basis.
(ix) Acceptable Terms of Reference for services in respect of monitoring and evaluation activities are prepared in time to ensure compliancy with approved procurement plans.
(x) M&E services contracts between PIU and service providers or other government agencies are efficiently supervised and implemented; Agreed reports submitted on time and reviewed within 5 days of their receipt, acceptable deliverables obtained and contracts are completed on time.
(xi) Project results and impact study undertaken and Mid-Term review report prepared in accordance with Bank’s requirements.
(xii) Specific and Quantifiable quarterly milestones with regard to project monitoring and evaluation activities are prepared and agreed with project management within five (5) days prior to the beginning of each quarter.
Titulação mínima
Outro curso de pós-grado
Experiência exigida
5 Anos
Não definido
Não definido
Aptidões necessárias
Minimum Academic/Professional Qualifications
At least M.Sc. in Social Science, Agricultural Economics, Statistics, or related discipline. Specialized post graduate training in project management/M&E.
Minimum Experience
Minimum of 5 years working experience in bilateral or multilateral donor-funded programs with at least 3 years of specific responsibility as M&E specialist.
Key Competencies
• Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, co-ordinate, and monitor his or her own work plan and to collaborate with colleagues across operating units
• Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and achieve results under tight deadlines
• Self-motivated team player
• Computer literacy with proficiency in Microsoft Excel, MS Access, and MS Project is essential
• Ability to develop, install and manage databases
• Excellent writing and presentation skills
• Proficiency in English language and Portuguese with excellent communication skills
• Excellent interpersonal skills.
• Familiarity with, and working knowledge of, project logical framework to track inputs process, output and impacts are essential.
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