o Registros e relatórios dos atos e fatos contábeis. Atribuições básicas: o Escriturar os atos e fatos contábeis e analisar as respectivas contas. o Realizar cálculos contábeis. o Realizar conciliações bancárias. o Controlar contas a pagar e contas a receber. o Emitir e conferir os boletins de tesouraria. o Emitir balancetes contábeis. o Organizar documentos e efetuar a reclassificação contábil; o Gerar lançamentos contábeis; o Auxiliar na apuração e entrega de impostos; o Assistir todas as rotinas relativas à contabilidade tais como: conciliação bancária, lançamento e análise de contas (pagar e receber), classificação fiscal, emissão de cheques, elaboração de orçamentos e controle interno.
Formação em contabilidade Experiência de trabalho nesta área
Cimel Oilfield Services Lda.
Our Company Profile The Cimel group dates back to 1989 when the company was first established in Luanda, Angola. Over the years Cimel has diversified to create a value chain in each of the sectors in which it operates. The increase of activity in the Oil & Gas sector in Angola has brought around many opportunities for international companies to invest in the country, but also vast opportunities for Angolan companies to enter this market. It was from this increased market demand that Cimel Oilfield Supply was born in 2012. The company gained attention as a preferred supplier of oilfield equipment by both the National and the International oil companies operating in Angola. Over the years, Cimel Oilfield Supply has grown and expanded its product and service portfolio through the diligent selection of technology to suit the market needs. In 2015, Cimel Oilfield Supply renamed itself to Cimel Oilfield Services to align the strategic direction of the organization with the vision of its employees and leaders, in becoming a preferred Oilfield Services provider in Angola.
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