Manages and directs assigned crew and surrounding operations in a safe and effective manner. Completion operations involve a large amount of third party equipment and personnel which must be controlled during our operations involving pressure control, high tension cable and explosives. It is imperative that this role has the ability to maintain control of the wellsite during these operations.
Performs electric and/or nuclear well logging operations to provide the client with the required data on any given well operation. This operation requires a great deal of attention to detail and high level of general log quality. Handles all pre-job and post-job logging tool maintenance, data confidentiality and archiving, and tool troubleshooting.
Operates with the quality goals of no Unintentional Pull-Offs or Pump-Offs, no misruns and no off depth perforations in addition to efficient wellsite operations. Active championing of the Perforating Improvement Plan or similar is a requirement.
Handles any possible return of undetonated explosives to surface with the focus on maintaining safe operations without rushing, no matter whatever perceived time pressure may exist.
Immediate interview and hiring.
At least 5 years of experiencience.
Must have a Bachelors’ degree in Engineering or Geology, or Bachelors’ degree combined with Military Officer Training, or been a similar level of experience for at least one year with another Wireline service company and meets established job criteria including completion of Completions Specialist and/or Junior Field Engineer Training Course, Field Experience and Breakout Exam.
A CABGOC (Cabinda Gulf Oil Company) é uma subsidiária da Chevron Corporation, uma das maiores companhias de energia a nível mundial, com actividades empresariais em cerca de 180 países, vem por este meio convidar todos os candidatos com qualificações e experiência, eventualmente interessados na nossa empresa, a apresentar as suas candidaturas ao seguinte emprego:
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DIAGRAFISTA DE LAMAS de Empresa líder em Petróleo e Gás / Mineração
Estágio Remunerado para Engenharias: Civil, Ambiental, Hidráulica, Sanitária, Mecânica, Electromecânica, Elétrica de Empresa de Serviços Financeiros
Técnico de Núcleo Arquivo Central de Empresa líder em Banca e Seguros
Secretária Administrativa (f) de Empresa líder em Consultoria